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- Revision history of the SCSI DSR
- Beta Test
- ---------
- The DSR never made it out to Beta Test because there was no one on the
- internet with an EPROM programmer.
- Field Test
- ----------
- 1.0 - 9-18-95
- This version was sent out to all owners of SCSI cards for the TI
- still waiting for their DSR. It had all I/O op codes, but none of
- the GPL subprograms for doing low level I/O.
- 1.1 - 9-25-95
- This is the version made for the New England Fair. It had the
- GPL subprogram 24 - Access Direct Input File. I also fixed a
- bug that caused sectors to not be filled up fully if it was
- a full 256 bytes. This also caused Fixed Length 128 byte records
- to put only one record in a sector instead of two.
- 1.2 - never specifically released
- Modified the DELETE I/O op code to call GETFDR instead of trying
- to search through a directory itself. This will save some room
- in the EPROM. Also checks to see that a file is not protected before
- deleting it.
- Added Access Direct Output File GPL subprogram.
- Fixed a bug in the AU allocation routine. Once the 1st 256 AU's
- were allocated, it would try the 1st 256 AUs again. Also rewrote
- the AU deallocation routine to be more efficient.
- 1.3
- Fixed a bug in DELETE that would not deallocate AU's the file used.
- Added subdirectories into directory listings. Also reports file
- size in sectors instead of AUs.
- Modified the LOAD I/O op code to use SCSI sector I/O to directly
- transfer data from the SCSI drive to VDP memory. This bypassed
- the extra step of copying the data to a buffer in the SCSI RAM
- and then to VDP RAM.
- Fixed a problem with Access Direct Output File (GPL subprogram >25).
- It only copied the first 256 bytes to the file correctly. The rest
- was taken from CPU RAM instead of VDP RAM.
- 1-10-95 - Added GPL subprogram to create directories. I am now
- working on a disk manager to be ready by Fest West.
- 2-03-95 - Found a bug in the routine that alphabetically inserts
- new files into a directory. In some cases, it could go into an
- infinite loop. Fixed it. Also tested and fixed all bugs in the
- create directory subprogram.
- End of Field Test versions!!!
- February 10, 1996 - Version 1.0-0
- February 12, 1996 - Version 1.0-1
- Fixed a bug in the integer to Radix 100 conversion routine. Numbers
- in the range of 100-9999 were not converted correctly.
- Fixed a bug in negating Radix 100 numbers. Protected files were
- showing the wrong file type.
- Invalidate the cache when a sector write is performed on the drive.
- February 13, 1996 - Version 1.0-2
- Got file protect GPL subprogram working. It had not been tested
- until now and had some bugs in it.
- February 17, 1996 - SCSI DSR Version 1.0-2 is sold at Fest West!
- February 20, 1996 - Version 1.0-3 - sent to a couple of people after Fest West
- Fixed a bug in the Read I/O op code that caused all of VDP memory
- to be over written when reading the volume information of the disk
- if the disk had a blank label.
- March 5, 1996 - Version 1.0-4 - never released to my knowledge
- Fixed the bug in access direct input file that caused data from
- a file to not be read into the buffer properly.
- 1.0-5 In progress - never really released
- Modified the READ I/O op code to return disk size and free space
- in sectors instead of AUs.
- Fixed a bug in MKFDR that when replacing a program file, the file's
- FDR would overwrite the VIB.
- May 10, 1996 - Version 1.0-6
- Fixed a bug in the SAVE I/O op code. Whenever a file greater than
- 1023 bytes was saved, the first two sectors were OK, but the following
- sectors were just copies of the 1st two sectors.
- Jun 11, 1996 - Version 1.0-7
- Added device names WDS1-WDS8 which correspond to SCS1-SCS8.
- Fixed bugs in relative access reads and writes. It should all
- be working correctly now.
- April 2, 1997 - Version 1.1-0 For Fest West '97 in San Jose
- Fixed a bug GPL opcodes 1B, 1C and 21. They were modifying R12 and
- not resetting the low order byte. This would cause the card not to
- be turned off after these routines were called. This would most
- commonly be manifested in the system locking up while trying to
- initialize a disk.
- Added the file rename GPL subprogram. So far, it only can rename
- files. It cannot rename directories yet.
- Modified the sector I/O GPL subprograms to subtract one from the
- unit number to get SCSI ID. This now behaves as documented. As
- a result, the old scsi disk manager cannot initialize a drive
- with version 1.1 of the EPROM.
- Added capability to access drives using the label instead of the
- unit number (e.g. SCS.LABEL.FILENAME).
- Fixed a bug when reading or writing files with fixed length 128 byte
- records. It could handle the first two sectors, but get lost after
- that.
- The rename GPL subprogram now can rename directories as well.
- Fixed a bug in the delete directory routine. It would not free up
- all the space used by the directory. This would result in free
- space on the disk being unavailable.
- June 27, 1997 - Version 1.2
- This version checks the position of the system type DIP switch. If
- it is set for a Geneve, it will do nothing at powerup. Otherwise,
- it will perform the same powerup is always had.
- August 8, 1997 - Version 1.2-1
- Fixed a bug in the make directory routine that would overwrite and
- corrupt the bitmap if the first 256 bytes of the bitmap were all
- used. Typically this would occur after 2040 files and directories
- were on the disk.
- January 13, 1998
- I think the DSR I created on August 8 would not power up. I now
- have one that does the power up. I will test it to see if it
- indeed fixes the bug in the make directory routine.
- January 26, 1998
- Fixed a bug when deleting open files. It used to corrupt the bitmap
- and overwrite the root FDIR with all zeros. Basically your disk
- would be wiped out.
- Unknown - Version 1.2-4 Beta
- Fixed a problem with opening a file for append or update access without
- specifying a record length. If the file didn't exist, it worked fine.
- If it did exist, the record length would not be reported back in the
- caller's PAB.
- February 9, 1998 - Version 1.2-5 Beta
- Fixed a bug when doing relative access writes beyond the end of
- the file. Previously you would get I/O error 5 - attempt to
- read past end of file.
- February 24, 1998 - Version 1.2-6 Beta
- Finally found the bug that caused new directories to not show up
- in a catalog listing until the computer was reset. If you tried
- to create a directory or a file using GPL routines and the name
- of the file was in CPU RAM, it would not handle it properly.
- March 16, 1998 - Version 1.5-0
- All the above fixes in beta releases plus the ability to use lower
- case letters when saving and loading files.